Category: Uncategorized

Everything I Ever Wanted

Hello, Friends! Have you ever received everything you ever wanted? Have you ever been so full, with all needs completely met, that you were perfectly and entirely at a place […]

Good Friday

Thank You, Jesus, for taking my sin and my shame. Thank You for bearing my guilt and taking my blame. Thank You for enduring my doubts, fears, and pride.Thank You […]

Greeting God

Hello, Friends. As we hear the nativity story, see nativity scenes, and listen to songs about the birth of Jesus, we encounter the joy people experience when they greet Immanuel, […]

Prayer and Praise

Hello, Friends. As we enter into Thanksgiving week I’m reminded that feasts in the Bible were not one or two-day events, but rather week-long celebrations of God’s blessings and the […]

Marching Forward

Hello, Friends. I realize I haven’t communicated much these last few weeks. I have been trying to take time, to process, to pray, and to rest. I’ve worked on writing/journaling […]

The Wealthy Christian

Hello Friends! Been a while on a mid-week devotion but felt the leading to continue where we left off… I wonder what your response is to the title of the […]

Surprising Jesus

Hello Friends! Have you ever had someone throw you a surprise party? Did it work, or did you find out? Have you ever planned and successfully pulled off a surprise […]

Love Who???

Hello Friends! About six or seven years ago I was coaching a club basketball team made up of seventh and eighth-grade girls (Hannah was one of them). We were good. […]

The Law and the Seed

Hello, Friends! It’s been quite a while since I posted a weekly devotional. Apologies to you if you have missed them, but finding the time to do them well was […]

Contracts and Blizzards

Hello Friends! Over the summer we parted with our highly problematic and fully paid for SUV and went back into the place known as Minivan land. Rather than battling with […]