Marching Forward

Hello, Friends.

I realize I haven’t communicated much these last few weeks. I have been trying to take time, to process, to pray, and to rest. I’ve worked on writing/journaling out thoughts, battles, and prayers, and it has been very helpful (give it a shot!).
I understand that my silence might be perceived in many different ways, so it seemed good to send out an email.

Two words: I’m grateful.

I’m grateful that we have the Bible, and how through it, we learn of the greatest hope that can be, the hope of salvation and eternal life. Coming face to face with death is daunting, and brings about the startling reality of our fragile lives here, but we have been told, and have been given a taste of the “wonderful more” that is to come.

I’m grateful that we have the Holy Spirit, and how the Spirit pursues us, whispering truth and comfort, and also shouting warnings and rebukes. I’m grateful that the Holy Spirit continues to teach/guide/heal/grow me in this time.

I’m grateful for Melba Friends, and how I have seen the work of the living Lord in our midst, not always in the ways we might have asked for, but in ways that are eternally good. I’m grateful for your love and care for one another and for my family.

I’m grateful that God isn’t done with us, or with Melba, or the world yet, but that He remains patient, waiting/hoping for the good news of salvation to advance His liberating and saving Kingdom life by life.

I’m grateful that we will be moving forward as a church body in youth groups, men’s and women’s groups, Core group, worship, and whatever else God has in store. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, as we continue to pray His Kingdom Come and His Will be Done here.

Finally, I’m grateful that although the enemy is always at work to steal, kill and destroy, that our Lord has already won the war and triumphed over sin and death.

Be encouraged Friends, and continue to pray for one another!