
Hello Friends,!

When I fell as a kid (it happened an awful lot!) my mom would hear my cry and tend to the wounded ego and skin.

When I was doubting the meaning of life in the torrential years of middle school, my friend heard my words and spoke meaning and encouragement to a discouraged heart.

When I prayed for forgiveness and new life, Jesus heard my prayer and made me a new creation.

When our son was diagnosed with autism, good friends and a good church heard us crying and cried with us and prayed with us for hope and healing.

When I was diagnosed with a torn ACL, malignant melanoma skin cancer, and multiple sclerosis (not all at the same time thankfully!) my wife and many others heard my pain and stories and helped carry me through it.

When I’ve struggled with hope or certainty, my best friends have heard me and lifted me up.

In most cases, the actions of others did not provide immediate relief or healing, but each time made a significant difference and propelled me forward in life.

There have been other times I’m sure (and I won’t recount them) when my cry/wound was not heard, and no care was offered or given. Those times make the struggle more difficult, the burden heavier, and the pain more of a reality.

I am also certain that there are times when I have been on both the hearing as well as the “not noticing” side of the hurts of others, and have failed to offer or bring relief. It is a reality that saddens me.

As I think of all that is taking place in our world today, I think of the call Christ gave His Church to continue to do the very same things He was doing (John 14:12).

Think with me of how Jesus so often heard the cries/wounds/stories/brokenness of person after person after person, and, as it says so beautifully in scripture, “he healed them all” (Matthew 19:2).

That is our Savior!
That is our Lord!

We are not, as a people, called to judge the world at this time. We are, as a Church, called to do what Jesus did; hear the cries, bring what relief we can.

May we do so, and may those who receive whatever we can be drawn to Jesus Himself.

When we do such things in faith I wonder if the heavens hear the Father say…
“That is my child!”
“They are doing just as I hoped they would!”

May the delight of our Father in Heaven be the desire of our heart.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus

Philippians 2:5 NIV

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Colossians 3:12‭-‬14 NIV
