
Hello Friends!

What do you do continuously?? 
Sensing (our senses are always at work aren’t they?) 
How about prayer? 

I began teaching years ago for the Mexico Mission trip that we all have built-in fuel tanks. Just like a car or truck needs fuel to combust and continue to fire for the engine to move forward, so we have tanks within us that store potential energy. Most of us understand this reality when it comes to our physical limitations, correct? We can only work so hard for so long before we exhaust our energy and need to replenish our physical energy tank. We do that by eating and sleeping mainly so that we can once again have a full tank and set to work.  

Before our trip, I tell participants that we have at least three energy tanks: there is the physical one just mentioned; there is an emotional energy tank that enables us to interact, socialize, etc with others (extroverts have a naturally greater capacity in this area and introverts start off with smaller tanks and wear out faster); then there is the spiritual energy tank that I believe Christians have. 

The spiritual energy tank is not something that is merely used when attending church or reading the Bible; rather, it is one that enables us to function in the power of the Spirit and in a godly way. It is what is used to fulfill the call of 1 Thessalonians which states…

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16‭-‬18 NIV

These things (rejoicing, prayer, thankfulness) are things done with spiritual strength. 

On the Mexico trip, the ability to serve faithfully and consistently for a week requires maximum use of all three tanks. Thus it is essential that each person takes steps to refill each tank. Physical rest and food and good sleep are essential. Emotional rest, space, and life-giving actions are essential. You do this by both physical rest, but also by allowing time to disconnect for short periods of time (thus no cell phones or internet or video games) and simply be. 

How do we refill our spiritual tanks? How do we find the strength to keep on praying? Keep on praising? Keep on being thankful? 
The Bible consistently calls us to carve out time to “seek the Lord”, to be connected to other believers, and to spend time in His Word which is useful and able for the strengthening of our faith. I am not perfect at any of these three tanks. I struggle at times to make the adjustments needed to avoid running on empty. I’m guessing I am not alone in this. 

In this time of fear, uncertainty, panic, economic, and physical crises, we NEED to be aware of our fuel and we NEED to disconnect from that which will drain us (too much news, too much overthinking, too much doubt, fear, and worry) and we NEED to connect to the One who strengthens us. Remember that we are told in Philippians 4:13 that no matter how difficult the situation we are found in, we can find peace and contentment for we can “do all things through Christ who strengthens” us. 

Take a moment Friends to do a self-check of where you are at in each area, and then be responsible to take action so that you can rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in everything. 
