If you are browsing through our site and think you might drop in for a visit, please know that we would love to have you come join us. Don’t worry, we don’t have any dress codes. Just come as you are; that’s the way God longs for His children to come to Him.

See the times below for when we meet.



10:30 a.m. is when we all begin to gather together for a time of worship. Service begins at 10:45 a.m.

After a few announcements, we celebrate our Lord through hymns and praise choruses with piano, acoustic guitars, and drums. After the musical time of worship, the children who wish to go are dismissed for children’s church (except the second Sunday of the month where all stay in). The adults then spend time in “open worship” where we all focus our hearts on Jesus and allow God to work in our lives through prayer and sharing. This time of “open worship” is pretty unique to Friends, we simply believe that God speaks to each and can speak through each person — His leading and guiding is not limited to just one person or group. After open worship, we listen to a message from the Bible given by Pastor Chris or another preacher/teacher.

On the second Sunday of every month, we stay after the service and share in a potluck dinner together. Many people bring different dishes and desserts and we sing happy birthday to those who have a birthday in that month, and enjoy a great time of food and fellowship. There is always plenty of food, so please stay even if you didn’t bring a dish!



Prayer Meeting 10 a.m. at the church. All submitted prayer requests are distributed and prayed for by a team of committed followers who seek to bring all concerns before the Lord in prayer.

Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study meets at the church at 6:30 am with a freshly cooked breakfast and focuses on God’s Word to men.

Women’s Bible Study meets at the church at 10 a.m. to study God’s Word and grow in faith and fellowship.

A small group in Nampa meets on Tuesday nights, email for more information.



6:45 – 8:15 p.m. Wednesday nights are high school youth group nights. Fun, Friends, and Faith!